Thursday, September 18, 2008

Too powerful to evolve

Paragraph 1.4.8 of the C++ standard (draft copy) states that

A conforming implementation may have extensions (including additional library functions), provided they do not alter the behavior of any well-formed program.

It turns out that, strictly speaking, this unexpectedly bans many possible extensions an implementation of the C++ standard library might provide; C++ is such a powerful beast that a well-formed program might be made to depend on the non-existence of certain entities.

Function and function templates. The following program

‎#include <algorithm>

‎using namespace std;

‎int any_of(int count,int n1,...){/*...*/}

‎int main()
‎ int n=any_of(2,1023,233);

is valid C++03, but will fail with the upcoming C++0x revision of the standard, as this includes a function template any_of within <algorithm>:

‎template <class InputIterator, class Predicate>
‎bool any_of(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred);

that takes precedence over the user defined any_of due to the using namespace std directive.

Classes and class templates. Similarly, this C++03 valid program

‎#include <functional>

‎using namespace std;

‎template<typename T>
‎struct hash
‎ size_t operator()(const T& t){/*...*/}

‎int main()
‎ hash<int> h;
‎ size_t s=h(983265);

will fail with C++0x due to the presence of an homonym hash in <functional>.

Member functions. The previous situations can be avoided if non-standard extensions are declared in separate headers or belong to a namespace other than std. These measures cannot be taken, however, when we are adding members to a standard class. The following is a totally artificial yet valid C++03 program:

‎#include <vector>

‎template<class Vector>
‎int foo(char x){/*...*/}

‎template <typename T,void (T::*)()> struct mfp{};

‎template<class Vector>
‎void* foo(int x,mfp<Vector,&Vector::shrink_to_fit>* =0){/*...*/}

‎int main()
‎ int x=foo<std::vector<int> >(0);

The so-called SFINAE rule prevents the second overload of foo to be selected because vector has no member function called shrink_to_fit; but it does in C++0x, rendering the program invalid (the second foo return type is not convertible to int).

Of course this is not a serious objection to the C++ standard text: 1.4.8 could always be rephrased to restrict it to reasonable well-formed programs, for some definition of "reasonable". But it can be instructive to reflect on how C++ has become so powerful (some would say complex) that such devious tricks can emerge (and, in some cases, be benefited from).

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